Behavior Analyst Certification Board
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) is the organization that is in charge of credentialing professionals who are working in the field of behavior analysis. They also make sure that those who are ‘board certified’ are keeping up with new developments in the field by requiring continuing education. The BACB also created a Code of Ethics for board certified personnel and works to uphold quality within the field of behavior analysis. You can go to their website to learn more and you can also use their ‘look-up’ feature to confirm that the professional providing behavior analytic services for your family is in fact board certified and in good standing with the board.
Association for Professional Behavior Analysts
The Association for Professional Behavior Analysts is geared towards behavior analysts who are working within the field in a clinical or applied setting. They provide a variety of supports and services for practitioners and are actively involved in working to make ABA services accessible to all individuals who may benefit from it. APBA offers many training opportunities and conferences for those working within the field.
Pivotal Response Training – Koegel Institute
Pivotal Response Training was developed at University of California – Santa Barbara by Dr. Robert Koegel and Dr. Lynn Koegel. PRT® is a naturalistic intervention
model derived from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). PRT® targets pivotal areas of a child’s development, such as motivation, responsivity to multiple cues, self-management, and social initiations. These skills are pivotal because they are the foundational behaviors upon which learners with ASD can make widespread and generalized improvements in many other areas. PRT is an evidence based practice meaning there is research supporting its use.